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Employer Advisory: Procedures for Reporting Missing TFWs and Resolving Immigration Violations


In today’s globalized workforce, employers often rely on the expertise of temporary foreign workers to meet their business needs. However, ensuring compliance with immigration regulations is crucial to maintaining a harmonious and lawful workplace. This blog post serves as an employer advisory, offering a comprehensive guide on the procedures for reporting absent temporary foreign workers and resolving immigration violations.

Understanding the Importance of Compliance:

Employers must prioritize compliance with immigration regulations to avoid legal repercussions and maintain a positive reputation. Non-compliance not only jeopardizes the status of temporary foreign workers but can also lead to severe penalties for the employer.

Reporting Absent Temporary Foreign Workers:

When temporary foreign workers go missing or fail to report for duty, employers need to follow proper procedures. Here’s a step-by-step guide:

a. Document the Absence: Keep detailed records of the worker’s absence, including dates, reasons (if known), and any communication attempts made.

b. Contact Authorities: In cases where the absence is prolonged or unexplained, promptly report it to the relevant immigration authorities. Provide all necessary information and documentation to aid in locating the worker.

c. Maintain Open Communication: Stay in regular contact with the immigration authorities and update them on any developments regarding the missing worker.

Resolving Immigration Violations:

Addressing immigration violations is a complex process that requires careful attention. Here’s how employers can navigate through it:

a. Self-Audit: Regularly audit your workforce to ensure all employees, especially temporary foreign workers, have valid and up-to-date immigration documentation.

b. Legal Consultation: If violations are identified, seek legal advice immediately. Consulting with immigration experts will help you understand the specific violations and the steps required for resolution.

c. Cooperate with Authorities: Be proactive in cooperating with immigration authorities to rectify violations. This includes providing requested documentation, attending meetings, and adhering to any corrective actions advised.

d. Implement Preventive Measures: Once violations are resolved, implement preventive measures to avoid similar issues in the future. This may include enhancing internal processes, conducting regular training for HR personnel, and staying informed about updates to immigration regulations.


Prioritizing compliance with immigration regulations is not only a legal necessity but also contributes to a positive work environment. By following the outlined procedures for reporting absent temporary foreign workers and resolving immigration violations, employers can safeguard their workforce and maintain a reputation as responsible contributors to a diverse and law-abiding community. Remember, proactive adherence to regulations is the key to fostering a workplace that values and respects the contributions of every team member.


Bright Path Immigration & Recruitment Services is a professional firm specializing in Canadian immigration & recruitment services.



+1 (403) 402-0985